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7 votes
1 answer

Should only 3 users be allowed to close questions?

This question is a follow up on my previous question on Quant Meta SE here and on what was suggested in the comments on the Main Meta SE here (i.e. to ask another question here on Quant Meta, with a ...
Jan Stuller's user avatar
  • 6,490
2 votes
1 answer

Broken link on the on-topic page

The How do I become a quant? link in What topics can I ask about here? is broken. Please fix.
Ooker's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes
2 answers

Deactivating "Seeking assistance in developing a trading strategy” as close reason

The close reason "Seeking assistance in developing a trading strategy" causes confusion and doesn't seem to have too many fans. Oftentimes questions closed with this reason could have been closed for ...
Bob Jansen's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Shall we enable syntax highlighting?

I noticed that syntax highlighting is not enable yet on our site. I am a believer that our site is not meant to answer blunt programming questions even if they have financial implications. However, ...
SRKX's user avatar
  • 11.2k
13 votes
2 answers

Why are privilege levels at quant.SE not the standard public beta levels?

At Quantitative Finance, some privileges are bestowed at levels that are atypical for public beta sites: "access to moderator tools" at 1000 (usually 2000) "edit questions and answers" at 500 (...
senshin's user avatar
  • 103
0 votes
1 answer

How can we rename a tag?

The tag [pair-trading] has been created. I think it should be renamed [pairs-trading]. I know it is not very important but I find it slightly annoying.
BlueTrin's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Weekly topic challenge for the week of January 1, 2012: Asset Allocation

This week's topic challenge is Asset Allocation. You're encouraged to think of and post good questions on this topic. What is it? There's a single topic that people think about during the week and ...
Tal Fishman's user avatar
  • 13.6k
3 votes
1 answer

My account and my questions have been deleted

So I log in today and I see that my account has been deleted. I have 0 question 0 answers. I asked a question yesterday and that has been deleted too. Anyone care to explain? I had three question on ...
siamii's user avatar
  • 757
2 votes
5 answers

Missing badges?

I am missing the Nice Answer and Enlightened badges for this answer. The minimum vote tally and the acceptance came in weeks ago. Is anyone else missing a badge? I may have to raise this on Meta SO.
chrisaycock's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Matrices display in preview but not after posting

If you look at my answer to How to quickly estimate a lower bound on correlation for a large number of stocks? you will see that I tried posting a 3x3 matrix using ...
Brian B's user avatar
  • 15k
1 vote
0 answers

Multi-line equations are not showing up properly

The latex equation in this question is correctly entered using &= but is all showing up on one line: Solving Path Integral Problem in Quantitative Finance ...
Shane's user avatar
  • 9,285
2 votes
1 answer

LaTeX isn't working?

It seems like the LaTeX support hasn't been enabled yet. $\sum \limits_{i=1}^N x_i \hat \pi_i$
Shane's user avatar
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