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What's the process whereby a "duplicate" designation gets removed?

The only way I can imagine this would be the case is if any post that had been edited by its author af some point after being marked "[duplicate]" would get automatically flagged to those with the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
3 votes

Can you tag other users in a comment?

In general, you can't tag users who haven't commented on the post. From the FAQ: How do comment @replies work? Who can be notified with this feature? The author of the post. Note that the author of ...
Andrew T.'s user avatar
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3 votes

How long should the "beta" tag remain?

A quick update to let you know that Quant has met the criteria for graduation (according to a note by the Stack Exchange Community Team). In other words, we are going to leave Beta soon! The exact ...
olaker's user avatar
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2 votes

How many review tasks

I tried, and as of this writing, the following links work: go to Review queues, e.g. Click on "Stats" under one of the queues, e.g. https://quant....
Dimitri Vulis's user avatar
2 votes

Edit question with minor typo

You can either improve the question further by changing more, notify the OP as I don't think the limit holds for the OP or note it in your answer (sometimes the question arises because of problems ...
Bob Jansen's user avatar
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2 votes

Odd and Unintended Formatting

The dollar signs triggers $\LaTeX$ formatting, this has now been fixed. You can fix this by escaping the $ by \.
Bob Jansen's user avatar
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2 votes

Where do career advice questions fit in, in the quant SE?

This type of question is explicitly off topic on this stack and I’m afraid it doesn’t fit on the Workplace stack either. So to summarize: to my knowledge this type of question doesn’t fit anywhere on ...
Bob Jansen's user avatar
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1 vote

Does SE have a platform where asking for advice regarding prost grad applications would be on topic?

There are many stacks and I don’t know them all but depending on the question you might take a look at our sister site Academia. Be sure to check their tour to verify that your question is on-topic. ...
Bob Jansen's user avatar
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