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2 votes

Edit question with minor typo

You can either improve the question further by changing more, notify the OP as I don't think the limit holds for the OP or note it in your answer (sometimes the question arises because of problems ...
Bob Jansen's user avatar
  • 8,620
2 votes

Odd and Unintended Formatting

The dollar signs triggers $\LaTeX$ formatting, this has now been fixed. You can fix this by escaping the $ by \.
Bob Jansen's user avatar
  • 8,620
1 vote

Bug in MathJax with latex when one uses $V^{{swap}}_{T_s}$

It is not a bug in MathJax, it is a bug in the new StackExchange editor that allows interactions between Markdown and LaTeX notation to occur. In this case, it is the underscores, which Markdown uses ...
Davide Cervone's user avatar
1 vote

Broken link on the on-topic page

I updated the link to point to the Internet Archive. I hope that's appropriate use of the Archive, if someone can link to another source that would be nice.
Bob Jansen's user avatar
  • 8,620

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