As I was browsing through Area 51, I managed to look at this site's statistics, and to be honest they looked a mite disturbing. Apparently there are only 2 questions per day and 31 avid users, numbers which seem astonishingly low compared to successful Stack Exchange betas.
On the other hand, I know certain Stack Exchanges move at different paces; Home Improvement, for example, only had about 4 questions per day but was deemed to be in good health and managed to graduate, on the strength of its traffic. Another good example would be the TCS site, which only produces about 7.5 questions per day, but the sense I have is that they have a very strong sense of community.
So ultimately it comes down to asking the users here how well they think things are going: Are you getting your questions answered? Is a vibrant community forming?
From my perspective, things seem quite dead. I noticed for example, in checking the badge pane, that the last "nice answer" badge was awarded sometime in mid-February. And, apparently, if I'm reading this correctly, it would only take 5-up votes for a question-answerer to be vaulted into the top 3 users by rep for the month. Moderators for the site don't seem to be present on some days.
Are my impressions accurate? In particular, I would appreciate an answer from Mr. Robert Cartaino, as I understand as a community manager he keeps track of this sort of thing on the meta sites.